The Six Factors of Success: A Guide for Entrepreneurs

Finding success in life and your business can feel like a complicated puzzle. There are a lot of balls in the air, including, taking care of yourself, making ends met while at the same time creating your business. he Six Factors of Success was designed to offer a simple way to think about what helps us grow, overcome challenges, and find fulfillment in whatever we do. In this article, we’ll explore these Six Factors of Success, which can guide anyone—no matter their goals—toward a more successful and satisfying life.

The Six Succceses:

1. Having a Successful Vision

Starting with a clear vision is essential. It sets the direction and provides a roadmap for both short-term actions and long-term goals. This includes not only what you want to achieve but also the deeper purpose and personal aspirations that drive you.

Vision: Knowing Where You Want to Go

Vision is all about having a clear idea of what you want out of life. Whether it’s a career goal, a personal project, or just a better version of yourself, having a vision gives you something to aim for. It helps you make decisions and stay focused on what really matters to you.

When you know where you’re headed, it’s easier to navigate life’s ups and downs. You’re not just reacting to what’s happening around you; you’re actively moving toward something meaningful.

(Vision is associated with the Big Five traits of Openness to Experience and Conscientiousness. To discover your own scores, take our Big Five Personality Test at

2. Success at Being Persistant

Resilience and persistence are critical in life, where setbacks are inevitable. Drive fuels the determination to keep going, adapt to challenges, and maintain momentum even when things get tough.

Drive: Keeping Yourself Moving Forward

Drive is what keeps you going, even when things get tough. It’s that inner push that helps you bounce back from setbacks and stay persistent in your efforts. Life throws challenges at all of us, but having drive means you’re equipped to handle them and keep moving forward.

Think of drive as your inner engine. When it’s strong, you can power through difficult times, learn from your mistakes, and continue making progress toward your goals.

(Drive is associated with the Big Five traits of Conscientiousness and Emotional Stability. Find out more about your personality traits at

3. Staying Clear and Focused Enough

Discipline, personal space, and calmness are often overlooked but are vital for maintaining productivity and avoiding burnout. Focus helps you prioritize tasks, manage time effectively, and stay centered in the midst of chaos.

Focus: Staying On Track with Discipline and Personal Space

Focus is about staying on track with what really matters to you. It’s easy to get distracted by all the demands of life, but maintaining focus helps you manage your time effectively and avoid unnecessary stress. It also involves creating personal space—a time and place where you can concentrate on your goals without distractions.

Having focus allows you to work more efficiently and stay calm, even when things are hectic. It’s about setting aside time and space to think clearly and get things done.

(Focus is associated with the Big Five traits of Conscientiousness and Emotional Stability. Learn about your focus strengths at

4. Trusting in the World, Your Vision and Your Success

Trust is an inherent belief system, a foundational mindset that shapes how we approach life and growth. It’s not just about trusting other people—it’s about a broader trust in the universe, in opportunities, and in the potential for things to work out.

Personal Trust: Embracing a Belief System that Fosters Growth

Trust allows you to see the potential in others, in the universe, and in the situations you face. It’s about believing that people will help you, that circumstances can align in your favor, and that by being open, you create the space for expansion. Without trust, you are essentially alone, disconnected from the support and collaboration that are necessary for true success. (Trust is associated with the Big Five traits of Agreeableness and Openness to Experience. Discover how trust influences your life by taking our Big Five Personality Test at

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, whether it’s with friends, family, or colleagues. It helps you work together, share ideas, and support each other. It allows works at a deeper level or system where by trusting and tracking go can go far beyond what you think is possible on your own. It is partially about letting go of your Ego and sometimes past hurts or failings, to reach a level of success that you could never achieve on your own. Trust really focuses on the idea that we are all connected and through that connection or matrix, many things are possible beyound our own personal understanding. It is leap into something beyond you or your own self-limiting beliefs.

(Trust is associated with the Big Five traits of Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Discover your trust levels at

5. Adapting and flowing as needed

Life is constantly changing, and being flexible, open, curious, and having fun with the process allows you to pivot when necessary and stay innovative. This trait keeps you relevant and resilient in the face of change.

Adaptability: Going with the Flow and Having Fun

Adaptability is the ability to go with the flow and stay open to new experiences. Life doesn’t always go according to plan, so being adaptable means you can adjust and find new ways to succeed. It’s also about staying curious and having fun with whatever comes your way.

Being adaptable helps you navigate changes and challenges with ease. Instead of getting stuck when things don’t go your way, you can pivot and try something new. This flexibility keeps life interesting and keeps you moving forward.

(Adaptability is associated with the Big Five traits of Openness to Experience and Emotional Stability. See how adaptable you are at

6. Reflecting on Your Life, Story and Vision

Taking time to relax, recharge, and reevaluate is crucial for sustainable success. Reflection allows for continuous improvement, helps avoid burnout, and ensures that you remain aligned with your vision and purpose.

Reflection: The Need to Relax, Recharge and Reevaluate

Reflection is about taking a step back to relax, recharge, and think about where you’re headed. It’s important to pause every now and then, check in with yourself, and make sure you’re still on the right path.

Taking time to reflect helps you avoid burnout and ensures that you’re making the right decisions for your future. It’s also a time to appreciate how far you’ve come and to plan your next steps with a clear mind.

(Reflection is associated with the Big Five traits of Conscientiousness and Emotional Stability. Reflect on your personality at

7. Embracing Opportunites as they Come – then unknown X Factor

The X factor is a factor that is outside of your control. It’s those opportunites, coincidences and connections that you can’t understand, that help with your business, A random conversation with someone you meet on the bus, a mistake you make on a project that opens up new opportunites. Is the X factor created through hard work? Sometimes but more often it occurs when you stop working and another connection arrives that you had never seen before. Awareness of that X Factor should always be considered, whether you consider it God, the law of attraction, luck or just random coincidence, the X Factor is alway out there. So grab those opportunites when they happen as well, as sometimes they will take your business or an idea to a compleletly never level that you had never considered previously. How do you control the X Factor? LOL! you can’t. You just have to be open to it arriving.

(On the Big Five Personality Test, high openness allows you to see the X Factor, high conscientiousness allows you to then apply it.)

Making These Principles Personal

These six factors aren’t just abstract ideas; they’re practical steps you can take in your daily life to grow, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals.